"A long-overdue prescription for engaging the heart. A must-read for all couples who want to enrich their relationship."
David Irvine, author of Simple Living in a Complex World |
"Such an easy read; it goes down as easy as orange juice and it's great for your relationship!"
Dr. Sue Johnson, University of Ottawa, Professor of Psychology
and Director of the Ottawa Couple and Family Institute, author of
The Practice of Emotionally Focused Marital Therapy: Creating Connection
"The healing power of a loving relationship has never been so clearly stated." |
Bob Urichuck, author of
Online for Life: The 12 Disciplines for Living Your Dreams |
"A super resource for couples. Luke touches on many excellent topics that stimulate meaningful discussion. We use it extensively throughout our marriage preparation / communication course."
Deanne and John Donohue, Marriage Preparation Course Conductors |
"There is a ton of conflicting information out there about relationships. Luke makes sense of it all for us!"
Wayne McKinnon, the Information Technology Coach,
and author of Wayne McKinnon's Complete guide to E-Mail
"Vitamin C for Couples is excellent! This book is a gift to couples and anyone looking to improve their relationships and enjoy a healthier and happier life. Luke has included many important and sensitive topics that people often overlook in their attempts to develop an enriching relationship with their partner. In the hurry-up pace of today's society, vitamin C is just what the doctor ordered!"
Jim P. Moore, author of The Mentor: a tale of discovery |